Move over Zombie Boy, Montreal has a new antihero rising celebrity who has been pulling people into Phat City clothing store on Stanley, run by a kindly old gentleman.
Crackhead Jesse appears in much-watched videos where he stumbles around and raps and manically tells of his plans and viewpoints.
His plans include building a massive city outside of Montreal.
He's a big hit with the kids, I'm told and his antics have been noted at least by one. "I have had two encounters with this crazy f*** lmao. I never thought he was famous. Once he screamed in my ears after I passed him on my bike and another time he was at Fairview walking like a **** ***** and causing traffic jams."
ya...he's come up with an idea for a futuristic city that costs 1 trillion I believe
ive had 2 encounters with this crazy fuck lmao i never thought he was famous. once he screamed in my ears after i past him on my bike and another time he was at fairview walking like a fkn retarded and causing traffic lmao this guy is a retard