New fast food outlets will be banned in the borough of Cote des Neiges / Notre Dame de Grace starting Feb. 1 in all but three spots: St James twixt Benny and West Broadway. Cote des Neiges Plaza and Decarie from Queen Mary to Vezina.
The borough's definition of a fast food place is any place that serves food in containers and has no table service.
Here are some arguments for and against this policy.
The borough's definition of a fast food place is any place that serves food in containers and has no table service.
Here are some arguments for and against this policy.
Reasons to support the ban
- The ban might help people lose weight by limiting their eating options.
Reasons to oppose the ban
- A restaurant that uses fast-food techniques to sell healthy foods will not be permitted to open.
- It is unfair to focus on the serving method as the determining factor in the quality of a food.
- It confers an enormous advantage upon existing fast food places by eliminating any future competition, whether it be of the healthy or non-healthy variety. This undermines the spirit of the free market.
- Fast food is not always unhealthy. It's an excellent alternate to starvation, scurvy and low blood sugar, for example.
- The ban reduces the enjoyment of life of residents by limiting many people consuming food that they might like.
- The ban is a goalpost shifter that reduces opportunities for commercial landlords by limiting who they can rent their properties to. (This objection applies to any limiting of the type of business a landowner can rent his property to).
- It suggests that residents live in a nanny state that assumes citizens are too stupid to make their own choices.
- If somebody is surviving on beets and broccoli and wants to eat an ice cream at a fast food joint, then why not?
- The ban could be challenged in court and lead to a costly legal battle to be paid by taxpayers.
- Municipal fast food bans enacted elsewhere were often enacted through less direct means, such as by citing traffic issues, indicating that a direct ban might not survive a court ruling.
- The ban makes it appear the city council has nothing better to do.