The satellite image above shows Marymount High in white, as well as the terrains now used by Villa Maria private girls school and Marianapolis CEGEP.
I used to walk through there as a kid all the time and never in my recollection saw anybody using the large-sized fields for sports or even pickup games.
Sadly the apple trees have been cut down and turned into fenced off parking too. But what irks me is that Marymount has no access to the fields adjacent to its property.
At least that was the case a few years ago when I researched this and tried to figure out why the EMSB didn't negotiate a deal to get some use of that land for high school sports and other such stuff.
Marymount's little sports content was held at other, schools further away.
I am assuming that it's still the case because there never seemed any urgency to change the situation. But if I were a Marymount parent I'd be rather anxious to see those kids get better access to the fine piece of land behind them.